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Writer's pictureSaumya Verma

Are you at peace?

Updated: Apr 21, 2021

Hey , hi! Today I have some questions for you. Let's just get into them.

Do you go to bed feeling calm and relaxed ? Do you wake up feeling adequate and ready for the day ahead? Can you focus on what you are doing? Are you capable of solving your problems with a calm mind without loosing your cool? Do you feeling relaxed and can keep track of your thoughts?

If your answer to these is yes yes yes and yes (with of course some exceptional weak moments, because we all are humans after-all ) then you have a peaceful mind. Whereas, if you find it difficult to picture yourself in this state of mind then tag along till the end my friend.

What is peace?

Wiki says it is a concept of harmonious well being and freedom from hostile aggression while Google says it's freedom from disturbance. True, we can relate to these in a social, national, international or religious scenarios. But what about the peace within?

Achieving inner peace is very important as it is the only way for achieving outer true social peace.

Why do we lack Inner peace and how can we get there?

Lack of true happiness is main reason for a disturbed mind. Being happy is a simple and natural emotion which gets muddy throughout the years of learning what society teaches us. We are unconsciously taught to connect our happiness with something or someone. Whereas the truth is-finding happiness is simple. It's in finding yourself.

Once you find who you are ( not what the society says not what your family or friends say , just what your heart says) you will find happiness and peace will follow.

We can get there , we all can have a clear peaceful mind . How ? There are some simple way: that worked for me; if executed property can prove to be extremely powerful.

Acceptance -Accept who you are, listen to what the inner you keeps saying. Let this new found awareness sink to your core, stop doubting it and start believing in yourself.

Positive affirmations & Daily motivation- Positive affirmation helps you solidify your belief. make it a part of your daily routine. Take out time for yourself, sit back and repeat what you believe in, this will cease your mind from doubting your awareness. Also, you can surround yourself with people and things that keep you motivated.

Being close to nature-I am a true believer that being close to nature brings health and peace. Spending time with nature relaxes your senses, quiets down the noise inside and reduces stress and negativity, creating a peaceful space in your mind. It is the best way to reconnect to your roots and senses.

Take a break- Taking break is as important as having a meal. Taking breaks between work hours not only reduces stress but also re-energizes your mind to work even better. Allow your mind to rest, closed your eyes take long deep breaths and with each inhale feel the positive energy coming inside and letting go of the negative thoughts with each exhale.

These little ideas have changed the way I see myself and has given me tremendous amount of courage to chose my path and believe in what I do. It has made me a better and peaceful version of myself and I hope will help you too. Start today, analyze your mind look for the hints and for any questions and/or suggestions feel free to write to me in the comment section. See you next time. Till then keep spreading positive vibes.

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