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Writer's pictureSaumya Verma

Clear the fog to a more productive life

Updated: Apr 21, 2021

When you are relaxed and calm your mind starts to wander in it's own world, a world of magic, new ideas and endless possibilities. This is your world, a world that makes you different from others the world that defines you the world no one can visit unless you let them in. This world is the origin of all the brilliant thoughts and creativity but somehow with time (and with the lack of it) this world becomes foggy and that's when we start to loose who we are and join the race of life. In the course we start acting in a certain way and hence start ignoring our potential and productivity. The idea is to clear the fog, realize our true selves and act on it in order to increase our creativity and productivity.

When a mind is at peace it can work wonders as it is most active, creative and productive when there is a lack of distraction. The question is "how?" How to achieve a peaceful mind? How to clear the fog and realize our potential? Or How to be more productive?

Let's have a small discussion on how do we tackle these "hows?" The answer is simple. We can do this by changing little everyday adopting little habits everyday and creating a big difference in our life in the long run. So what are these little lifestyle changes? Let's jump into them:

Workout and meditation

Start your day with physical workout of your choice. It can be anything from yoga to swimming to jogging to dance to hitting the gym. Exercise regulates your breathing and blood circulation, wakes your nerves and muscles and increase your awareness and consciousness. Once you are fully awake physically it's time for some mental exercise. Meditation is the best way to channel your energy and keep track of your thoughts. It helps in inflow of positive energy reduces stress level and increases your awareness. This mental and physical awareness makes you ready for the day ahead.

Organize your day

Once your mind and body is ready it's important to set your goals for the day. The best way of doing this is by writing it down. Make a list (we call TO DO LIST) of everything you need to accomplish in the day. While making the list keep few things in mind:

Keep the goals realistic- It's better to start small in order to keep going. We have only a handful of time in a day so setting too many goals and not accomplishing them all will only make you feel like a loser and will demotivate you. So, start with simple and easy tasks.

Set your priorities- Not all the to do's in the list are equally important, so go ahead and set your priorities and start working accordingly, so that in the end of the day if you accomplish ,say only 3 out of 5 tasks but of high priority it will feel great and will keep you inspired for the upcoming days.

Keep it personalized- Since you are aiming for a better life as a whole , it's important to include your personal goal in the list too, things like drinking 6-8 glasses of water or walking 10,000 steps or making a shopping list or anything that matters to you and can effect your day. Because the idea is to have a more organized life in order to divide and channel energy efficiently and get rid of the background hustle.

With the to do list and priorities set we can easily divide our time, and work efficiently with concentration on the task in hand without worrying about missing out on anything important. Coz hey! now you know what all you need to do.

Take break

Taking break between tasks is very important as it re-energizes the mind and reduces the stress level that helps in increasing the concentration and focus on work when we resume. Also, not only does taking break relaxes your nerve but helps control eye strain and keeps your vision in check. Trust me! It's not a waste of time. So, take time out to relax grab a cup of coffee or herbal tea, take a walk, listen to your favorite track and resume to work with new energy. This will definitely help your reduce your stress and eventually increase your productivity

Avoid distraction

Now this one can be a little tricky and will require "will power". In present time, with the explosion of information on us through various social media platform, it has become nearly impossible to stay away from discussions, arguments and gossips. Our life is flooded with information most of which are unnecessary and serves no purpose in our growth , so it's our duty to choose and give time to things that actually matter and avoid the things that disturbs our peace of mind. We need to use our will power and conscience to stay away from disturbing elements. Some simple ways to avoid distraction can be:

  • Avoiding social media during working hours.

  • Participating actively in communities that share your interest and help you grow

  • Adopt a hobby that relaxes your mind and keeps you away from the negativity.

  • Spend time with family and friends.

Reconnect to your roots

Knowing yourself and your purpose is the key to more peaceful creative and productive life. Take out time for yourself and your thoughts, keep a track of where your thoughts are taking you. Once you start checking your thoughts you can select what to keep in mind and what to avoid through a tool called "emotion". Some thoughts make you sad some make you happy some make you restless and anxious while some create a positive stir. These thoughts and emotions will tell you the right path, chose those things that make you happy and increase positive energy. once you start following that path commonly referred to as instincts you are surly gonna clearly the fog and see clearly what you are meant to do.

Throughout your journey to clearing the fog you must keep yourself at your best both mentally and physically. Sleep properly , have a healthy diet with ample amount of water, spend some time in nature to take in the best it has to offer, and take good care of yourself. It's time to change your present to bring out the better more focused more creative and more productive version of you. So go ahead, don't think twice and start now.

I hope this article has been helpful for you. Do share you views and suggestions in the comment box . Till then keep spreading happy vibes.

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